A Timely Solution to Get you Back on the Road
In the hustle and bustle of life, a sudden loss of driving privileges can pose significant challenges. Whether it’s due to a suspension from excess demerit points or a conviction leading to disqualification, the solution is in the form of a limited licence, commonly known as a work licence. The process of obtaining a Limited Licence, from start to finish, usually takes a couple of weeks, but may be longer depending on court availability. Here’s a guide on the process of obtaining a limited licence in New Zealand.
For a limited licence to be granted, the applicant needs to suffer extreme hardship (e.g. a loss of employment) or undue hardship on another person.
1. Assessing whether you are eligible
Not all disqualifications are eligible for a limited licence e.g. driving contrary to a limited licence. Your driving history may mean that due to public safety concerns, the Court may not grant a limited licence or there will be further delays and costs involved.
If you are seeking a Limited Licence for driving with excess breath/blood alcohol or other specified offences, there is a 28 day stand down period from when you are disqualified before this can be granted.
2. Assessing Driving Needs:
Before delving into the application process, it’s crucial to assess your driving needs. It’s important to note that you will only be able to drive to the extent necessary to ease hardship; you won’t have the freedom to drive as you usually do. Identify specifically why you need to drive, and what is required for you to alleviate the hardship (i.e. when and where you need to drive, what vehicles, and for how long) .
3. Prepare Application Forms:
Once you’ve identified your driving needs, we will work with you to draft the required Court documents outlining the terms of the Limited Licence and why they are required. The documents need to be specific about the routes and times, ensuring that each journey is directly related to alleviating hardship, whether that be for work or other necessary tasks such as childcare.
Once the documents are in a form you are happy with, the application will be filed with the Court and sent to the Police for consideration. You will then be allocated a court date, and the Police will advise whether the application is opposed.
The Police decide whether they oppose or do not oppose the application. Police may require changes to be made.
4. Court Appearance:
If the Police do not oppose the application, when you go to court, you will be granted an order to apply for a limited licence and will receive your limited licence within four working days.
If the Police oppose the application, the matter would proceed to a hearing where a Judge would ultimately decide whether to grant an order. This will result in additional delays and costs.
If you are disqualified or suspended, it is important to start the process of obtaining a Limited Licence as early as possible to try and ensure that it can be granted promptly and further delays are avoided. While preparing the necessary paperwork can be daunting, our team is experienced in assisting you through this process. Your mobility is our priority, and we’re here to help you get back on the road responsibly and efficiently.
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